R.I.P. people across the street - Henry Fable

June 2nd, 2011 by Henry Fable at 5:02 am

The infected that I mentioned earlier wandered away about an hour later.  I don’t know if it is the same few, but they reappeared about half an hour ago in the house across the road.
There was screaming and crashing, I ran to the front room to see what was happening after inspecting the car park.  A figure came crashing through a ground floor window, only to get back up, they couldn’t quite get back into the window, the step up appeared to  flummox them.

After more crashing and screaming, there was silence.  I fear the worst for the people across the street.

The streets are alive - Henry Fable

June 2nd, 2011 by Henry Fable at 1:56 am

I’m looking out over North Road at the moment.  There are a dozen or so infected people out there.  They’re bumping into each other most of the time, but about five minutes ago a rabbit hopped out of a hedge and they all stood alert before jumping at it.
These people are not organised and don’t appear to be clever.  Hope for us yet, perhaps.

Wasting a day gains a night - Henry Fable

June 1st, 2011 by Henry Fable at 8:01 pm

Apologies for my posts earlier, I’ve since spent most of the day sleeping.

We were woken up earlier by a knock at the door.  I say a knock, it was banging and crashing.  Somehow one of the infected had got across the drop and onto our doorstep and was bashing at the door.
Using a ladder  George and I climbed down to the ground floor.  Using a spatula, George lifted the letterbox open while I rammed the handle of a broom through it, after a couple of thrusts I felt the handle connect with soft flesh, as I forced the broom handle out trying to push this monster into the basement courtyard I felt the handle puncture the skin and connect with something harder, possibly bone?  There was a bit of a struggle on the other side of the door, then the broom handle came free followed by a thud.  There were no screams.  No cries.  Just a thud.

That brings us up to now.  We are going to take it in turns to keep watch, we want to try and keep the ground floor clean for as long as possible.


Banging headache - Henry Fable

June 1st, 2011 by Henry Fable at 10:38 am

A bottle of whisky still induces a banging headache…

Monopoly forfeits with rum, tequila, and some special juice – one of Don’s concoctions – is not good.

Back to bed.

I dun wanta go t jale - Henry Fable

May 31st, 2011 by Henry Fable at 11:41 pm

Bliidy Georg anr blody mononoply.  Drunking insed of pating fones.

Very dunky.

Hello? - Leopold Whitehead

May 31st, 2011 by Leopold Whitehead at 3:30 pm

Stumbled on this and thought I’d add my 2 cents.  Just like to say to hi to Henry – I’m clean too mate.  Me and Anne (or should that be Anne and I?) are holed up just south of Luton.  We’re in a first floor flat, and bored out of our minds.

There’s not much to do but surf the internet at the moment, and hasn’t been for a few days.  There’s only so much of the emergency broadcast you can really watch on BBC One, especially when Doctor Who is supposed to be on.  Grrr…

Don’t know about anyone else, but pretty much everything plays a looped message at me at the moment saying to ‘stay indoors’.  I’d assume that means that none of the other stations are allowed, or able to broadcast.  It’s a bit of a bastard as without the news I’ve got no real idea of how big this is.

Read the rest of this entry »

Quiet - Henry Fable

May 31st, 2011 by Henry Fable at 6:54 am

Even after the initial news a little over a week ago, there was some noise at night.  Drunken locals or students stumbling about and making a racket.  Last night was the first time it was completely quiet, not even the seagulls were making a sound!

It gave me a little time to wonder how long we’ll have water and power for.  I’ve got a couple of crates of water, plus the van out back has about twelve water cooler bottles of water in, I’ve also got a gas burner and a paraffin burner, but they won’t last forever either…

Today’s plan is to play Monopoly apparently.  George loves the bleeding game and so the rest of us have to suffer…
I think I’ll try and contact some friends in other parts of the country, see what it’s all like with them.

And now to bed - Henry Fable

May 30th, 2011 by Henry Fable at 11:51 pm

It’s been a tiring day.  I didn’t realise that Fran and I had so much stuff.
The ground floor is pretty much vacated now and the stairs have been almost completely destroyed.

Time for bed.

First encounter - Henry Fable

May 30th, 2011 by Henry Fable at 3:45 pm

The first of inevitably more is outside right now, gnawing at a small rabbit, which until a few seconds ago was still kicking away.

It’s sickening, but we can’t turn away.  I just hope it doesn’t know we’re here.

Got to get on with moving crap upstairs.

First night down - Henry Fable

May 30th, 2011 by Henry Fable at 6:40 am

Last night wasn’t too bad.  In fact at the moment we might as well have not gotten any news, it was like any other night.
Up until now we’ve been fairly active, but we decided last night to stay in no, we won’t feel safe outside.

I’ve spoken to some friends and they are safe, which is a relief.  One of them actually joked about “how cool it was to be putting their zombie contingency plan into action”.  Not cool in my mind, bloody scary.

Today the plan is to vacate this ground floor flat and move upstairs.  It might not be safe here shortly.  George and Beth and kindly let Fran and I move in.  There will have to be a lot of compromises from now on.