Apologies for my posts earlier, I’ve since spent most of the day sleeping.
We were woken up earlier by a knock at the door. I say a knock, it was banging and crashing. Somehow one of the infected had got across the drop and onto our doorstep and was bashing at the door.
Using a ladder George and I climbed down to the ground floor. Using a spatula, George lifted the letterbox open while I rammed the handle of a broom through it, after a couple of thrusts I felt the handle connect with soft flesh, as I forced the broom handle out trying to push this monster into the basement courtyard I felt the handle puncture the skin and connect with something harder, possibly bone? There was a bit of a struggle on the other side of the door, then the broom handle came free followed by a thud. There were no screams. No cries. Just a thud.
That brings us up to now. We are going to take it in turns to keep watch, we want to try and keep the ground floor clean for as long as possible.